Donkey Flybye Bio/History
Jan.14, 2022
I am Bradford Hostetler aka Chucko Fats aka Charles Portly aka Blobbo Headhunk aka DK aka Big Dirty aka Donkey Flybye aka Unholy Phobe. I grew up in Temple City, a suburb of Los.Angeles, nestled between El Monte and Pasadena. Raised by wolves on a diet of hot dogs, I mutated early on. As a child I was fascinated by the avant music of early science fiction movies such as the great Louis and Bibi Baron soundtrack for ‘Forbidden Planet’, Bernard Herrmann’s great score for the ‘The Day the Earth Stood Still’ and the soundtrack for Andy Worhol’s favorite movie, ‘Creation Of the Humanoids’. My early teen years were spent listening to the free form radio station of the late ’60s, KPPC out of Pasadena where I was exposed to the work of groups like Frank Zappa’s Mothers Of Invention, The Fugs, The Move, The Bonzo Dog Band, the work of jazz giants Charley Parker, John Coltrain and Eric Dolphy, various ethnic music and field recordings. When my high school friend and early Smegma member HG first played a Captian Beefheart song for me, my mutation was complete. Because Cheese It Ritz, Dennis Duck and Pizza Rioux were friends and classmates of mine I exposed them all to Beefheart. I met Ju Suk Reet Meate at a New Years party on the last day of 1970. At that time we were all still in high school and living with our parents, Ju Suk in West Covena and the rest of us in Temple City.
After high school ended, most of us got together and rented a place in Pasadena on Oakland Street, along with Jerry Bishop (who would later become president of LAFMS) and Ju Suk’s boyhood pal Cheesebro. That was where our interests in playing our own music really began to develop in earnest. Dennis began playing drums, Ju Suk began playing bass and I bought my first guitar and began looking at it funny. We all hung out at Poo Bah Records where we met Amazon Bambi, Ace Farren Ford, Tom Recchion and many other fine people, some who would go on to become LAFMS. Our house soon became unlivable partly due to police raids brought on by biker infestation. We moved to another house in Pasadena, this time on Adena Street. Ace soon moved in and that house would become the actual birthplace of Smegma. When that house became too crowded and the neighbors too dangerous and intrusive, the band, Dr. Id and Jerry all moved to Bub Manor, a massive two story house on Los Robles street. That was the house where Smegma and Wild Man Fischer would record what later became an album together.
By the summer of ’75, Ju Suk, Dr. Id and I had enough of life in L.A. Even though it meant leaving Ace, Cheese It and Dennis behind in Pasadena, we moved to Oregon, first to Corvallis and finally to Portland. For a short while the only playing members of Smegma were Ju Suk and I but others joined over time. Amazon Bambi moved in with us and Dr. Id began playing music with us himself. I met Hair Cess Pool while working at a bank parking cars and invited him to join. Smegma did a couple of shows and began releasing records on Ju Suk’s own Pigface Records label. The first Smegma album was released on Pigface, often called either Glamour Girl or I Wear Teeth but in reality called Five Years Wasted. Then the punk movement hit Portland and Smegma made a shift and an even more eclectic push into it’s roots, early rock, proto-punk, surf, blues and experimental music.
We did a few shows at a church, a tavern and at a Portland art gallery were I was approached by Jerry A (who later founded Poison Idea). When Jerry told me that he liked the show, I asked him if he had an instrument, Jerry said yes and I said “Practice is on Tuesday” inviting him to join his first band. At this point immersed in the Portland DIY punk scene, Smegma picked up other players from that scene to work with, great people like Michael X King, Mike Shirley, Marla Vee and Oblivia, who became a core member of Smegma and the wife of Ju Suk. I came up with the idea for Flashcards, a song based on a pack of actual flashcards and a riff Smegma had been working on. It became a single on Pigface Records and was picked up by Mute records and released by them in England as a popular split with NON. Hairy C. Pool came up with and sang In the Murder Room and Cleavland and helped write the lyrics for Mutant Baby. Cheese It had moved to Portland, rejoined Smegma and came up with the Pigface Records single Disco Diarrhea. Smegma released our second album Pigs For Lepers and Ju Suk simultaneously released his brilliant fist solo album, also on Pigface. The band was constantly changing, new people came in and left. LAFMS was putting out records and tapes, Smegma collectively and members individually were on many of those releases. We started getting lots of invitations for splits and comps with people like Nurse With Wound and many, many other great avant and noise bands.
We played quite a few shows with great bands like the Wipers, Jungle Nausea, Rancid Vat, the Neo Boys, Sado Nation, the Hell Cows, the Hickoids, Ice Nine, Caroliner Rainbow and opened a few shows for the Dead Kennedys. We opened some shows for the Butthole Surfers. We played Satyricon with Poison Idea. We got an offer from the English label Dead Man’s Curve and they put out Nattering Nabobs of Negativity. We got an offer to release an LP composed of some of our older singles and songs and called that Smell the Remains. Around this time I developed some serious health and personal issues and finally left the band in around ’90, only to rejoin it twenty years later, once again joining Ju Suk, Oblivia, Ace Farren Ford and Dennis Duck to bring more recordings, LPs and cassettes straight from us to your ears. That is my part of the Smegma story.
New in 2021
Nov.28, 2021

drawn by members of Smegma

Pigface Records 1978-2021 Super Colossal Sale !
Feb.15, 2019
PIGFACE RECORDS ANNOUNCES for 2018 newish and still available .
Jul.29, 2017
All cassettes still available for 6 USD ea. in the States
Please contact – Ju Suk at —
for details.
PIGFACE RECORDS Cassette Series as of july 2017
015 C-40 The Tenses with Giggles Delusional (rec. 2011 NYC,Portland) only a few left !! Tour only
016 C-40 Ju Suk Reet Meate Solo 1978 & 79 Vol.2 ( rec. in Portland)
017 C-40 Lee Rockey Brass Ring (rec. late 1970′s Portland)
018 C-60 Lee Rockey Jazz Drummer Extraordinaire
( rec. 1952-63 NYC,Portland)
019 C-40 MSHR/The Tenses Playing Together vol. 1 (rec 2012 Portland)
020 C-40 Smegma Wild Blue Yonders (rec. 2011 Portland)
021 C-60 GUZO American Girl rec (2011-13 Portland)
022 C-60 Smegma The Pigface Tape (rec. 1974 Pasadena)
023 C-30 Lee Rockey Tarzan’s Morning After (rec. 1960′s Portland)
024 C-60 Smegma/ GUZO Live at Instants Chaveris (rec. 2013 Montreuil)
(025 C-30 MSHR/The Tenses and ARTTU 2015 west coast Tour (rec 2014 Portland/somewhere in Tour only Finland)
026 C-40 Smegma Dives headfirst into Punk Rock!
( rec. 1978-79 Portland)
027 C-30 The Tenses Sleepless
( rec. live answering the phone 2015 in Portland )
028 C-40 Electric Bill (Willie) The collected Genius of …
( rec. mostly in and around Pasadena 1973-5)
029 C-40 Ace and Duck/Guzo An Evening in Copenhagen (rec. 2016 in Copenhagen)
030 C-40 Smegma Son of Geek (rec. 1973-5 in Pasadena)

Pig 028 Electric Bill(Willie)

Pigface 029 Ace and Duck/ Guzo
Pigface Records 030 Smegma “Son of Geek”
Recorded “live” into the phone in Portland to callers from Dublab’s Sleepless event at the Dorothy Chandler Pavillion L.A.

Punk Rock Smegma from 1978-79 Portland
Pigface 026 C-40 SMEGMA 1978-79 ” portland Punk”
Includes the first two “punk shows” in portland also Flashcards (from 45rpm single) and Going Rancid . more info to come soon…….
Please contact Ju Suk At: to Order
Pigface 022 C-60 SMEGMA The Pigface Tape (1974)
40 year anniversary Edition Original recordings by Ju Suk Reet Meate in Altadena, Calif. May 16 1974, except Side B track 3 May 20, 1974. Final Editing and EQing January 2014 .
On this Recording Smegma is : Paul Rioux, Ace (Farren Ford), Amy, Bev , Dennis (Duck), Chuck-O-Fats (Donkey Flybye), Cheez-it-Ritz, Ju Suk Reet Meate, Chuck and Cheez-Bro.
- SMEGMA-The Pigface Tape
Pigface 023 C-30 LEE ROCKEY Tarzan’s Morning After
Amazing Inner-Mind, Solo Jamming from early or late 1960’s With Lee Rockey on Tube Echoplex, Vocals, Cello, Bells, Homemade Horns, Toy Piano, Zither, and more. All recording and mixing by Lee Rockey at Home, in Portland Oregon. No overdubs
Final editing, EQing and album concept, by Ju Suk Reet Meate at Smegma’s Studio, Portland Oregon 2014
- Lee Rockey-Tarzans mourning after
Pigface 024 C-60 SMEGMA 40 Years of Smegma Tour- Live at Instants Chavires Oct. 17 2013
Documenting the (Almost Paris) Mountreuil France, stop on SMEGMA’S U.K.-E.U. Tour 2013.
Live band includes 3 orig. members, Dennis Duck, Ace Farren Ford, Ju Suk Reet Meate, 30+ year member Oblivia, and since 2011 Madelyn Villano.
- SMEGMA/GUZO- Live At Instants Chavires
STILL Available
The Tenses with GigglesDELUSIONAL C-40
Recorded at Smegma’s Studio Portland , Oregon December 2011 by Ju Suk
ReMixed May 2012. Except side B The Tenses Live in studio at East Village Radio June 2011 by Jeff Conklin
The Tenses: Ju Suk Reet Meate and Rock and Roll Jackie of Smegma
Giggles: Madelyn Villano and Alieta Herrera-Train. only a few left !!!!!!
Side One features an informal Real Time Jam between Smegma Alumni and the (then) newcomers on the Portland Scene. Somewhat edited by Ju Suk reet Meate. Side Two was recorded “live” near the corner of 1st and 1st NYC in a tiny, crowded studio that adds an extra layer of intensity to the performance.
Ju Suk Reet Meate
SOLO 1978&1979 V.II C-40
Recorded in various locations in Portland Oregon 1978 and 1979 as ” Real Time ” Improv. with no Overdubs, Edits, or Remixing . Some final EQing and Editing in Smegma’s Studio January 2013. Recording Quality varies.
Recorded at the same time as Pigface 004 (1980) This album embraces a rawer esthetic. Many tracks were recorded on portable Cassette decks with automatic level control . Ju suk plays Guitar, record Player, Bowed sheet metal, Trumpet, Vocals, Gnome Synth., 1880’s Pump Organ, Bass Guitar played with feet, and 1/4 inch Reel to Reel multi head tape loops all played in “Real Time” no Overdubs, Edits, or remixing.
Lee Rockey
Sonic Explorer BRASS RING C-40
Recorded , Edited, Mixed and Played in Portland Oregon in the late 1970’s By Lee Rockey. Final Editing for this Album by Ju Suk Reet Meate at Smegma’s Studio January 2013.
Lee Rockey gave up being the best jazz drummer in Portland sometime in the late 1960’s and started playing a modified flat bridge violin, cello, oscillators, and free drumming using a Teac 2340 4 channel tape deck, as soon as they were available, to layer tracks. Brass Ring is one of the very rare finished and named compositions that was originally as a cassette dub, which I managed to borrow and copy.
Lee Rockey
Side one: Recorded at various NYC locations including Lee’s Apartment 1952-1955. Side two: Mostly Recorded at the Way Out Club Portland, Oregon, May 16 1961
Final EQing and Album Concept by Ju Suk Reet Meate in February 2013
One of the most unique and unsung Artists in Portland history, Lee Rockey was born in Vancouver Wa. 1926 and from 1942 until 1965 or so was the most modern and best “Jazz Drummer” in the area. One of the” Vancouver Whiz Kids” he wore a Zoot Suit with a Reet Pleat and still spoke “Jive” when I met him in 1976. After playing all types of Gigs in Portland including sitting in for touring R&B acts such as The Treniers, he Moved to NYC in 1952 ,and was hired by Neil Hefty (who had just revitalized Count Basie’s Career with his great arrangements and written his last big hit Little Darlin ) for his first big band. Later he was in the studio for Herbie Mann’s debut 10″ in 1955. Also on this album are Homemade Tapes with his friend, pianist and vocalist Ed Beach jamming and being silly in their apartment in NYC.
Moving back to Portland Lee was the go-to Drummer for the most ambitious Jazz Musicians including Jim Smith’s “The Way Out Band” 1961-63 featuring amazing arrangements by Bill and Ernie Hood and others. WARNING: This Album contains Serious High Class music originally intended for Adults of the Mid 20th Century.
MSHR/The Tenses
In studio Improv. Recorded September 2012. Edited and Mixed by Ju Su Reet Meate at Smegma’s Studio (Planet Purple Room), February 2013.
The Tenses: Ju Suk Reet Meate and Rock and Roll Jackie of Smegma
MSHR: Brenna Murphy and Birch Cooper.
Informal in studio jam session blends MSHR’s new electronic dream world with The Tenses old school organic psychedelic stew.
######NEW #########NEW #########NEW ############NEW ############### NEW #########
PIGFACE 020 SMEGMA-Wild Blue Younders
Wild Blue Yonders C-40
Recorded 2011 at Smegma’s Studio in Portland and Juan’s Studio in Pasadena by Ju Suk Reet Meate
Ideal 095
On this record Smegma Is Dennis Duck, Ace Farren Ford, Donkey Flybye, Ju Suk Reet Meate, Rock and Roll Jackie, John Wiese, Madelyn Villano, Rogue Iiniki, and William Cyrus Ford.
Cassette reissue of the 100 copy LP on Ideal ( sweden ) released at Perspectives festival on April 21, 2012.
American Girl C-60
Recorded, mixed, edited in or near Portland, Oregon from 2011 to present (april 2013) by M.V.
Stunning Debut album featuring Long form, crunchy, lo-fi sizzle and other Moods.
Side One- Linear Guilt
Side Two- Nowhere Gun
Featuring Madelyn Villano on Voice, Violin, Piano, Guitar, Kaossilator, Ableton, Line 6, Dl4, TR707, Tapes, Samples.
recent stuff
Jul.14, 2017

Sounds like fun
These American legends of outsider avant-garde need little introduction. Since becoming core members of the Los Angeles Free Music Society over four decades ago, they have retained their focus, determination and unmatched originality, influencing generations and never ceasing to advance further avenues of progress. Mutant Stomps is a result of Smegma’s living room recording sessions at their pink house in Portland. All tracks were produced 2012–2013, with one dating back to 1975 for good measure. The line-up of Dennis Duck, Ace Farren Ford, Rock and Roll Jackie, Ju Suk Reet Meate, Madellyn Villano, John Wiese and Donkey Flybye deliver a consistently amorphous, surreal-concrète sound.
The full length LP comes in an edition of 100 copies.
1. Vout #9
2. Mutant Stomps
3. Hot In There
4. Variations VII
5. Code 61
6. Jug band Waltz

40 years of Smegma Tour !!!!!
Feb.26, 2015
(Established 1973, LAFMS core group)
In Pasadena, California on November 23, 1973, the musical group called Smegma humbly came into being. Despite having no formal art or music training, several friends decided to experiment with playing “real” music. We tried a ” band without musicians” concept, by allowing musicians only for special parts as needed. The only other rule was, “NO HIPPY MUSIC” or any other contemporary sounds. We developed our own “primitive suburban folk” approach and traditions. At first, we felt completely isolated. We were aware of the LA freak scene (Zappa, Captain Beefheart, Wild Man Ficher), but it was only a distant influence. John Cage, Harry Partch, Eric Dolphy, Sun Ra, Buckminster Fuller and many other great minds of previous generations were more influential than our peers.
Most of the band moved to Portland Oregon in 1975. Simultaneously, we became involved with the Los Angeles Free Music Society (LAFMS), contributing audio LPs, cassettes and visual art. Contributions to LAFMS recently culminated with a collective performance at The Getty Center in Los Angeles in 2011.
Our approach of playfully respecting the great music of the past and pushing it into the future engages a small but interesting group of people from all over the western world and Japan. In the 1980’s, we were contacted by people from the U.K. Japan, Germany, France and others to contribute to several vinyl LP’s and cassettes. These releases included an early 45 rpm single on Mute(UK). Since 2005, we have been honored to perform in festivals in the UK and EU.
So far over 100 people have performed, recorded with, and/or helped work on projects with SMEGMA.
Current Smegma:
Ju Suk Reet Meate (Eric Stewart), Oblivia (Jackie Stewart aka Rock and Roll Jackie), Dennis Duck (Dennis Mehaffey), Ace Farren Ford ( aka Ace of Space), Big Dirty (Brad Hostetler), Vetza (Vetza Trussel) ,Rogue Iniki (Nour Mobarak), John Wiese, Madelyn Villano, Alieta Train, David Morgan, Cody, Jennifer, William Cyrus ford , Mars Ford.
Pasadena Smegma:
Ju Suk Reet Meate (Eric Stewart), Cheezbro, Amazon Bambi (Amy DeWolfe aka Erph-Puss), Cheezit Ritz, Chucko Fats (aka D.K. Fatts), Dennis Duck (Dennis Mehaffey), Ace Farren Ford (aka Ace of Space), Electric Willy(William Clay Robinson aka Electric Bill), Paul ” Pigface” Rioux,
Also- Dr.Id (Mike Lastra), Dr. Odd, Reed Burns, Victor Sparks (Tom Recchion), Wild Man Fischer, Iso, Chuck, Bev, The Professer, Gary “Magic” Marker.
Portland Smegma:
Ju Suk Reet Meate (Eric Stewart), Dr.Id (Mike Lastra), Amazon Bambi (Amy DeWolfe aka Erph-Puss), Danton * , Frank Chavez * , D.K. (Big Dirty) *#, Cheez-it-Ritz *, Oblivia (Jackie Stewart aka Rock and Roll Jackie), Burned Mind + ^ and Borneo Jimmy (Richard Meltzer)+, Myrtle Tickner (Charles Nims) # + , Stan Wood ^ , Lee Rockey * # ,
Also- John Jensen+,, Samek Cosmano , Arsene Zara, Jerry A., Pig Champion,
,*=1970s only, #= 1980s only, +=1990s only, ^= 2000s only
2009 Smegma Bio.
Jan.20, 2013
Smegma started in 1973 in Pasadena, California, as a reaction to the “bad fusion rock” from their region. Among it’s original members were Dennis duck, who later went on to help form bands such as “The Human Hands” in the late ’70’s and “The Dream Syndicate” in 1982. Ace Farren Ford later of The Child Molesters , The Mystery Band and with Rozz Williams became part of EXP and other Goth acts.
Richard Snyder went on to join Capt. Beefheart’s Magic Band in 1979 as “Midnight Hatsize Snyder”.
Smegma left Pasadena for Portland, Oregon in 1975. They released “Glamour Girl 1941” on the L.A.F.M.S. label in 1979, along with three singles on their own label. In 1980 Mute records released a “smegma/Non” split single (scheduled to be released on the upcoming “Mute Singles Box Set”). In the late seventies, they enjoyed the “punk” scene in Portland, becoming favorites of bands like; “The Wipers” and “The Dead Kennedys” of San Francisco.
In 1982, they released “Pigs For Lepers” and “Flies Like Holidays” on their own “Pigface” label.
In 1987 “Dead Mans Curve” records (UK), released “Nattering Naybobs Of Negativity” and in 1989 DOM records (West Germany), released “Smell The Remains”, a greatest hits compilation.
In the mid-nineties they released three full length albums for Tim Kerr records, including a collaboration with the japan based “Merzbow”. Smegma was also featured on Japan Overseas’ “Violent Onsen Geisha Tour” along with Thurston Moore. Japan Overseas also released Smegma’s first LP, “Glamour Girl”, on compact disc. As did
L.A.F.M.S./Cortical Foundation, as part of their “Lowest Form of Music” 10 Disc box set.
Author and “Rock Critic” Richard Meltzer joined Smegma in 1997 until 2003. 2003 also saw Smegma collaborating with “Wolf Eyes” for an album titled “The Beast” and Steve Mackay (saxophonist for The Stooges’ “Fun House” LP and Violent Femmes guest sax. player) for Smegma’s “30 years of service” recording.
In 2004 Smegma toured the west coast with; Wolf Eyes, Comets On Fire, and Rubber O Cement. where they were joined by Tom Recchion and Ace Farren Ford in Los Angeles, introduced by Jello Biafra in San Francisco, and joined again to play in San Francisco with Steve Mackay.
In 2005 Smegma headlined the KRAAK fest, in Hasselt Belgium. Where they got very good reviews for the most part and on March, 17 2006, will Play in New York for the first time, at the NO FUN FEST, in Brooklyn, New York the following is a short bio written by Richard Meltzer from 1999;
Now in their 28th year of existence,Smegma are a so-called “noise band” if not exactly by their own designation. Not that they would deny it, mind you-noise as a station of sonic oompah certainly doesn’t rankle their metamusical ass. It’s simply that other things figure more prominently on their collective agenda: group improvisation with a heap of Unfinished Sixties Business factored in (the real-time-from-Socratic mutilayered equivalent of “I Am the Walrus,” let’s say)…..Free Music in it’s grandest, and least superficial, sense (a la the denser moments of Ornette Coleman’s “Free Jazz”)..a ritual fusing of any and all musics and non-musics at the level of the hum, the blap, the tink, the boom. By design as well as chance, every performance is an utterly NEW sonic event, one capable(some nights, anyway) of changing the way an audience will actually “hear”. (Y’know, forever.)
Richard B Meltzer 1999
In 2007 3 original Pasadena members became part of the “touring” Band and freshly rejuvenated Smegma , has played some amazing fun Gigs with our old pals the L.A.M.F.S. including a 24 hour Telethon reunion at Otis Art Institute, the LAFMS London weekend 2010, at The Getty Center in L.A. 2011, and most recently at The Box in downtown L.A. 2012. Also this year Smegma Headlined the Perspectives Festival in Sweden, and played a local festival PDX POP NOW!
Since 2009 at Smegma’s Studio, Ju Suk Reet Meate has been recording, editing and mixing at a unprecedented pace, sometimes with the help of our newest member Madeline Villano.